About Me

This is Brian Chronister. Who? A pastor in Anchorage, Alaska. This blog will feature some of the things I have learned about God during the 45 years I have walked with Him. My goal has always been to be genuine. Having failed at that, I am now working on being sincere. Maybe something I say will encourage you in the quest.

6 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello, Brian.

    I hope you’ve been well

    I came to your blog by way of your FB post. I’ve enjoyed reading it. I hope you keep writing as it appears you do have a voice and a following as well.

    I understand winter is coming early (after not much of a summer) but we’ve seen that before, right?

    Please say hi to Happy and Charity for me. (I don’t think the other kids will remember me.)

  2. Hi Lynne,

    I meant to tell you that I likewise appreciate your intelligent presence at our church each Sunday. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Brian,

    This is Scott Hackenbruch. Father to Danielle and Amber.

    First of all, very good article. I like it. And my best to you!

    Second, pleasee tell Happy that the girls are doing well.

    Danielle is getting married (March) to a young man entering the ministry. They will beliving in his home area near the Bible college they graduated from last year. He spent the summer and then some with us so we could get to know each other. Linda and I like him very much

    Also, Amber has been on the mission’s field as an AIM’er (Associate In Missions) helping the missionaries for the European region for about 4 tours. She was in Vienna Austria for the better part of the year for two years in a row and lately has been working with a missionary couple in Geneva Switzerland for a couple of tours (the Swiss allow her much shorter stays). She is home now for her sister’s wedding.

    Please share these with Happy as I’m sure she will be pleased. We appreciate Her and Your contribution to their lives in earlier years. You both were a blessing. Thank you for that.

    Love, In Jesus name.

    Scott Hackenbruch

  4. Hello, Brian.
    You may not remember me, but we go back a ways. I’ve been married to the love of my life for 27 years, now, and am watching him disappear, one memory at a time. Together, we cared for all four of our parents. Then, six months after the last one passed to eternity, Ron was diagnosed with a very rare form of Alzheimer’s. That was February 2, 2017.
    I’ve taken him to Alaska several times to fish, and he hopes that we will be able to do that again. I’m not sure, but if there’s a way, I’ll make it happen for him.
    Meanwhile, I think of you and Happy so often. You were the best friends I could have asked for when I most needed them.
    I hope all is well with you.

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