A Knock at the Door

I was awoken this morning out of a deep sleep by a loud knock on my bedroom door.  A couple of seconds later, I yelled out “Hello?”  My voice sounded lonely, the only noise in a silent room.  It could have been one of my kids,  my imagination or a dream.  I laid there, still sleepy when I heard the knock again.  It was a woodpecker banging on the cedar siding outside my window, trying to find a worm.  Imagining that my siding HAD worms was unnerving but I just hated being disturbed when I was thoroughly asleep.  It also felt like a comedy routine to be yelling “hello!” at a woodpecker.

On the other hand, what if there had been an emergency?  What if I was needed to do something urgent?  What if that knock had been especially important?

I think life is like that.  Mundane things are sometimes momentous things in disguise.  We never know when something regular and small will have huge and eternal impact.  A routine act of sacrificial love can change a life, especially when repeated, unconditionally for years.

Jesus said,

Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. (NASB)

Not all knocks are the same…

2 thoughts on “A Knock at the Door

  1. Well written, Brian.
    Hopefully that woodpecker found his worm too, though waking you up otherwise wasn’t entirely in vain. A worth-while blog post became of it, after all. Way to go, woodpecker. Way to go.

  2. The woodpeckers out here can be so desperate (or stupid??) that they peck on metal street light poles.. Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting, getting nowhere.. I can relate, often… Or maybe they are just persistent, and will try anything and everything until they get what they are after, even if it takes a lifetime? I pray for a strong beak…..

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